Channel Letters Signs
Channel Letters are most commonly used as outdoor signage of a storefront, with the explicit purpose of directing customers and serving as a recognizable symbol of the business.
Channel Letters are most commonly used as outdoor signage of a storefront, with the explicit purpose of directing customers and serving as a recognizable symbol of the business.
Large letters are ideal for making a bold emphasis on a brand, product, or message. With today’s fabrication technologies, simple foam letters and metal letters can be turned into pieces of art with vibrant colors, airbrushing, and special painting techniques.
Large letters are ideal for making a bold emphasis on a brand, product, or message. With today’s fabrication technologies, simple foam letters and metal letters can be turned into pieces of art with vibrant colors, airbrushing, and special painting techniques.
WhiteClouds was commissioned to create a Metal Letter display featuring the famous motto (“B-E-A-R-D-O-W-N”) to be installed on campus. The aim of this display was to represent the fiery school spirit of the Wildcats, and the total size of the famous motto certainly contributes to its intended formidable presence — standing tall at 5 feet with a whopping length of 38 feet.
Large letters are ideal for making a bold emphasis on a brand, product, or message. With today’s fabrication technologies, simple foam letters and metal letters can be turned into pieces of art with vibrant colors, airbrushing, and special painting techniques.
Large letters are ideal for making a bold emphasis on a brand, product, or message. With today’s fabrication technologies, simple foam letters and metal letters can be turned into pieces of art with vibrant colors, airbrushing, and special painting techniques.
Metal may be the best material if you need something durable to withstand the outside elements, you want a particular metallic finish for aesthetic reasons, or it needs to support a lot of weight. WhiteClouds is capable of creating anything you can imagine, but we specialize in the extra-large or extraordinary.
If you are looking to create a visual backdrop for your TEDx event, large and creative letters will accomplish that. These letters can make a memorable setting and are perfect for photos and video of the event.
“Love” Letters are a great decoration for that special occasion. These large letters highlight the central theme of the event with a prominent message – LOVE.
“Fillable” Letters are a great decoration for that special occasion. These large letters can really be an attraction when filled with the right items such as tennis balls, balloons, candy bars – you name it!