Recent Custom 3D Models, Displays, & Signs Project Gallery
See a few featured 3D fabricated projects we have done in the past few months.
See a few featured 3D fabricated projects we have done in the past few months.
We create custom 3D medical models. Our designs help healthcare professionals. With our models, they are able to better visualize what they are looking at, which helps them in their work.
Large product replicas make a statement, showcase your brand in new and creative ways, facilitate learning opportunities, and bring brands and consumers together like no other form of advertising can. These large replicas can even boost your social media stats as people share the ever-popular selfies with friends and family.
Healthcare 3D Printing in the News We build custom 3D Medical Models Get a Quote Now for a Custom Healthcare
3D Printing has recently caught the attention of healthcare professionals in creating medical anatomical models, implants, and medical devices. Medical models provide a hands-on perspective with high detail and full-color segmentation, and are ideal for use in pre-surgery planning and patient education.
Tiny objects create huge reactions. WhiteClouds provides on-demand, custom next-gen 3D fabrication services. We can create anything you dream up — in miniature.
3D printed veterinary models provide a hands-on perspective with high detail and full-color segmentation. These models are used in pre-surgery planning and preparation, and provide a variety of other benefits.
Trade show models are one of the best ways for a company to showcase and demonstrate their latest products and services. A high-quality model like a large product replica or huge foam sculpture directly engages consumers and invites them to participate in a brand’s experiential marketing.