Big Letter S

We build 3D Big Letters

Big Letter S

The letter S is a powerful and versatile symbol.  Whether used to represent a company or a personal brand, the impact of the letter S can be amplified through the use of big letters.  These letters can be used in a variety of settings, including storefronts, event spaces, and office buildings, to create a bold and memorable statement.

The use of big letters dates back to the early 20th century, when businesses began to use illuminated signs to attract customers.  These signs were often made of neon or other materials that could be shaped into large letters.  In the decades that followed, big letters became a staple of the advertising industry, appearing on billboards, storefronts, and other prominent locations.

There are many benefits to using big letters, especially when it comes to the letter S.  For one, a big letter S can help draw attention to a business or brand, making it easier for potential customers to find and identify. Additionally, big letters can help create a sense of prestige and sophistication, giving a business or brand a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace.

But perhaps the greatest benefit of big letters is their ability to create an emotional connection with customers.  By using the letter S in a prominent way, businesses can tap into the psychological power of the letter, which is often associated with strength, success, and stability.  This can help build brand loyalty and encourage repeat business, which is essential for long-term success.

There are many different ways to incorporate big letters into a branding strategy.  One popular approach is to use the letter S as the centerpiece of a logo or company name.  For example, the luxury brand Saks Fifth Avenue uses a large, bold S in its logo, which helps communicate the brand’s sense of sophistication and exclusivity.

ABC Foam Large Letters

Another approach is to use bBig letters in a more decorative or artistic way. For example, the popular home decor retailer, Pottery Barn, uses large metal letters in its store displays, which adds a touch of rustic charm to the shopping experience.

If you’re looking to incorporate a big letter S into your branding strategy, there are a few key things to keep in mind.  First, consider the context in which the letters will be used.  Are you trying to create a sense of sophistication and exclusivity, or are you looking to create a more casual, relaxed atmosphere?


Once you’ve established the tone and mood you’re trying to create, it’s important to choose the right materials for your letters.  For example, metal letters can be great for creating a sense of durability and stability, while neon letters can be a great way to create a sense of energy and excitement.

Finally, it’s important to consider the placement of your letters.  Big letters are most effective when they’re placed in a prominent location, where they can be easily seen by potential customers.  This might mean placing them on a building facade, in a store window, or in a prominent spot at an event.

Big letters are a powerful tool for businesses and brands looking to make a statement.  When used in the right way, they can help build brand awareness, create an emotional connection with customers, and give a business or brand a competitive edge in a crowded marketplace.  So why not give the big letter S a try and see how it can transform your brand?

Features and Benefits of Big Letters

Big letters are a powerful tool for creating impact and drawing attention.  But what makes them so special? Here are some exciting features of these letters that make them a must-have for any event, business, or home decor.

  • Size:  The most obvious feature of big letters is their size.  They are big, bold, and impossible to miss. Whether used for advertising, decor, or wayfinding, these letters command attention and create a focal point in any space.
  • Durability:  Big letters are built to last.  They are often made from durable materials like metal or foam, which can withstand wear and tear, weather conditions, and repeated use.  This makes them a great investment for businesses or events that need to make a lasting impression.
  • Customization:  Big letters can be customized to fit any purpose or style.  They can be painted, decorated, or covered with fabric to match a specific color scheme or theme.  They can also be cut into any font or shape, allowing for endless possibilities when it comes to design.
  • Lighting:  Many big letters can be lit from behind, creating a dramatic effect that draws even more attention.  This can be especially effective for outdoor events or advertising, where the letters need to be visible from a distance.
  • Versatility:  Big letters can be used in a variety of ways, making them a versatile tool for any purpose.  They can be used for advertising, decor, wayfinding, branding, or art.  They can be used indoors or outdoors, and can be rearranged or repurposed as needed.

No matter what your purpose, these unique letters offer exciting features that are sure to make an impact.  From their size and durability to their customization and versatility, they are a must-have tool for any business, event, or home decor project.

Cisco Live 2022 event large letter display

Big letters are an excellent tool for drawing attention, creating impact, and making a statement.  But what are the actual benefits of using these large letters?  Here are some exciting advantages that make them a must-have for any business, event, or home decor project.

  • Attention-Grabbing:  Big letters are impossible to ignore.  They command attention and create a focal point in any space, making them a powerful tool for advertising, event promotion, or home decor.  They can be used to spell out a message or create a visual representation of a brand or event, instantly grabbing the attention of passersby.
  • Customizable:  Big letters can be customized to fit any purpose or style.  They can be painted, decorated, or covered with fabric to match a specific color scheme or theme.  They can also be cut into any font or shape, allowing for endless possibilities when it comes to design.  This customization makes them a great tool for reinforcing a brand identity or creating a unique look for a space.
  • Memorable:  Big letters create a memorable impression that lasts long after the initial encounter. Whether used for advertising, event promotion, or decor, big letters make a statement that people remember.  This can be especially effective for businesses or events that want to create a lasting impression with potential customers or guests.
  • Shareable:  Big letters can be a great tool for social media marketing.  Guests or customers are likely to take photos with or in front of the large letters, which can be shared on social media platforms.  This can create additional exposure and buzz for a business or event.

The benefits of these special letters are numerous and exciting.  From attention-grabbing to versatility, customizability, memorability, and shareability, they are a powerful tool that can create an impact and make a statement in any space.  Whether used for advertising, decor, wayfinding, branding, or art, these letters are a must-have for any business, event, or home decor project.

Looking for more information about other specific big letters?  Here they are:

Pricing of Custom Big Letters

The price of custom 3D letters are based on the volume of materials (size of the letters), type of materials, the time it takes to create the 3D design, production labor, and possible installation time and materials, as well as other specific elements unique to the project.  Each large letter project is bid individually and the best way to determine cost is to email us, call us at 385-206-8700, or fill out the form below and let us bid on your project.

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Common Questions & Answers

What are big letters?  Big letters are large-scale, three-dimensional letters or symbols that are used for various design applications such as signage, branding, event decorations, or art installations.  They are often made from materials such as wood, metal, foam, or plastic and can be designed in a variety of styles, colors, and finishes.

What are the benefits of using big letters in design?  The benefits of using big letters in design include creating a strong visual impact, improving brand recognition, enhancing the aesthetics of a space, drawing attention to a message or product, and improving wayfinding in public spaces.

How are big letters made?  Big letters can be made using various methods depending on the material used.  For example, wooden letters can be cut using a saw or CNC machine, while metal letters can be cut using a laser or water jet.  Foam letters can be created using a hot wire foam cutter, and plastic letters can be molded using a vacuum former or injection molding machine.

What materials are commonly used to create big letters? The materials commonly used include wood, metal, foam, plastic, acrylic, neon, and LED lights.  Each material offers unique benefits and can be customized to fit different design styles.

What are some creative ways to use big letters in design?  Creative ways to use these letters in design include using them as photo backdrops, creating art installations, incorporating them into interior design, using them for wayfinding, and using them for event signage or branding.

How can big letters be incorporated into branding?  Big letters can be used to create memorable brand experiences by displaying a company name or logo in a bold and impactful way.  They can be placed on a storefront, used in an event setting, or incorporated into marketing materials.

What are the most popular fonts used for big letters?  Popular fonts include sans-serif fonts such as Helvetica, Futura, and Arial, as well as serif fonts like Times New Roman and Garamond.  The choice of font depends on the design style and the intended message.

What are the best locations to display big letters?  The best locations to display these oversized letters depend on the intended purpose.  Some common locations include storefronts, event spaces, public parks, museums, and galleries.

How can big letters be used for wayfinding in public spaces? They can be used for wayfinding by displaying directional or informational messages in public spaces.  For example, big letters can be used to indicate restroom locations or to mark the entrances and exits of a building.

What are the most popular colors used for big letters?  The most popular colors include white, black, red, and blue.  However, the choice of color depends on the design style, intended message, and the environment where the letters will be displayed.

What are the environmental impacts of creating and disposing of big letters?  The environmental impact of creating and disposing depends on the material used.  Some materials, such as foam and plastic, have a higher environmental impact than others, such as wood and metal.  However, eco-friendly materials such as reclaimed wood or recycled plastic can be used to minimize the environmental impact.

How can big letters be used to enhance interior design?  They can be used to enhance interior design by creating a focal point or accent piece.  They can be used to display inspirational quotes, create a personalized name or word, or add a pop of color to a neutral space.  Additionally, these letters can be used to divide spaces or create privacy screens.

How can big letters be used in event signage?  They can be used in event signage to create a memorable and impactful display.  They can be used to spell out event names, display sponsor logos, or create directional signage.  The letters can be customized to fit the event theme and can be used in a variety of settings such as outdoor festivals, trade shows, and corporate events.

How can big letters be customized to fit a specific design aesthetic?  They can be painted in different colors or finishes, textured with different materials, or lit with various types of lighting.  Additionally, the letters can be designed in different fonts or styles to fit the overall design theme.  Customization allows for flexibility in design and ensures that the letters will fit seamlessly into the desired space or application.

Do you have a question we didn’t answer? Don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-385-206-8700 or [email protected]

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History of Letter S

The letter “S” is one of the 26 letters of the modern Latin alphabet, and its history can be traced back to the ancient Semitic alphabet.

The Semitic letter for “S” was called “shin,” and it was derived from an earlier pictographic symbol representing a tooth.  The Greeks adopted this letter and called it “sigma,” using it to represent the “s” sound.  The Romans then adapted the letter from the Greeks and used it to represent the same sound.

In the early days of the Roman alphabet, the letter “S” was written as a symbol similar to a lowercase “f” or “long s,” which was used to represent the “s” sound at the beginning or middle of a word.  However, over time, the shape of the letter evolved into the more familiar form we use today, with two vertical lines connected by a curved line.

In some medieval manuscripts, the letter “S” was written with decorative flourishes, such as loops or curves on the top or bottom of the letter.  This gave the letter a distinctive look, which is still used in some fonts today.

Today, the letter “S” is used in a wide variety of words in the English language, and it is pronounced with the “s” sound.  It is often used at the beginning, middle, or end of words, such as “snake,” “bus,” and “close.”  The letter “S” can also be used to represent other sounds in some languages, such as the “sh” sound in words like “sure” or the “z” sound in words like “treasure.”

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