Art, Books & Office 3D Projects and Examples Gallery
Art, books and office large product replicas are great crowd-magnets at trade shows to get your brand noticed.
Art, books and office large product replicas are great crowd-magnets at trade shows to get your brand noticed.
Giant Sandals are a great way to highlight your brand in the office, in front of your building, on the sidewalk or at trade shows.
Giant Dress Shoes are a great way to highlight your brand in the office, in front of your building, on the sidewalk or at trade shows.
When WhiteClouds was asked to make a 1/2 scale replica of the historically significant Grumman Goose G-21A seaplane, we were up for the challenge. The incorporation of a sturdy steel frame and fiberglassed, UV resistant exterior, was the ticket to ride. This heavy-duty and one-of-a-kind outdoor display was built to last.
WhiteClouds was commissioned to build an architectural diorama (10’x12′) showcasing the beauty and geography of the campus with a special emphasis on the huge variety of trees and their historical significance. The diorama includes 88 buildings, each one masterfully crafted with state-of-the art 3D design and printing technology.
Home, Garden and Tools large product replicas are a great way to showcase your brand at trade show displays, outdoor displays or as 3D art.
Automotive and industrial large product replicas can be used in a variety of places like trade shows, conventions and museums. They can show fine product detail and are great attention-grabbers.
Large product replicas of your favorite toys create a sense of wonder at theme parks for all to enjoy. Giant musical instrument replicas are sure to add a wow factor at any tourist attraction.
Computers and electronics large product replicas are a great way to get your brand noticed at trade shows, conventions and new product releases.