3D Video Game Models
We build Custom Video Game Models for Conventions, Trade Shows, Collector's Items, Tabletop Game Maps, Home Decor, Cosplay accessories, and more...
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3D Video Games Models + Technology
Is there anything more enjoyable than a video game fan plopping down in their favorite chair and immersing themselves inside a video game? At Whiteclouds we attempt to add more to the experience of playing video games. This can be adding video game models to your favorite room or using truly impressive video game models as the booth magnet at a trade show.
Anything that can be represented in video games can be fabricated into real-life and real-size models. This includes characters (small to extremely large), video game maps, landscapes, terrains, props, guns and weapons, equipment and whatever else the imagination conjures up.
Ever wonder how these video game models are fabricated? These models are built by skilled artisans and fabricators using their talents to produce these unique pieces of art. Here are some specific types of video game models that WhiteClouds is involved with.
Today’s technologies are making more impressive next generation models. Combining tried-and-tested technologies of foam sculpting and cutting, along with new 3D printing capabilities and new electronics are allowing model makers to build some pretty awesome foam character models, thrones and selfie backgrounds for taking awesome selfies, and cartoon models.
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Types of Video Game Models
Video Game Large Models
Need a towering transformer character, a life-size Lara Croft, or a giant Halo 5 video game character? Depending on detail, finish, strength, flexibility, and many other factors, video game character models can be built using foam or 3D printing or a combination of the two. Foam is a great material for sculptors to use in building life-size or super life-size characters for tradeshow displays, tourneys, or that awesome looking hobby room. If you want extreme detail and more strength, 3D printing is a great solution.
Think of those favorite video game characters as larger-than-life: Master Chief, Commander Shepherd, John Marston, Link, Mario, Solid Snake, Princess Peach Toadstool, Lara Croft, Gerald of Rivia, Cloud Strife, Duke Nukem, Pacman, Ganandorf, and many, many, more. They can bring-to-life a video game character and it’s surroundings, relive your favorite gaming battle scene, attract visitors at a tradeshow, or create that magical environment you have always wanted to participate in. You are only limited by imagination.
Today’s technologies are making more impressive next generation models. Combining tried-and-tested technologies of foam sculpting and cutting, along with new 3D printing capabilities and new electronics are allowing model makers to build some pretty awesome video game models.
Regardless of the video game fabrication method, WhiteClouds typically starts by creating a 3D design of the character and then 3D printing a maquette (a french word for scale model). The maquette is used to guide the fabricators in making a large-scale replica. Multiple iterations of the design and the inexpensive creation of multiple maquettes allows for multiple iterations in creating the perfect and final pose of the video game model. Finishing options for these sculptures are many, from paints (latex to automotive finish) to natural organic looking materials to strength materials like fiberglass and polyurea. Quite often internal steel structures are built into the characters to give additional strength. More information can also be found at character models, cartoon models and foam characters.
Video Game Dioramas
The details of video game dioramas are nothing short of phenomenal. They captivate audiences regardless of location. Characters can be included with all of the amenities (weapons, clothing, etc.) and can be set in any pose. The view of buildings, landscaping, topographies, terrain, or backdrops inside the game are mind-captivating.
Design elements that encompass music, special lighting, rivers and mountains, futuristic scenes, old castles, medieval scenes, or hundreds of warriors battling away – these can all be built into the diorama.
We have the technology and skills to deliver professional dioramas within your timeframe and budget. A video game diorama can be as small as 12″x12″ or as large as 30’x30′ or larger and can be built to emphasize both daylight and night-time views. Pricing can vary from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands depending on size and complexity.
The video below highlights a video game diorama built from the video game “DOTA 2”. It converts the game map layout from a digital 2D to a physical 3D version of the game. The detail is unbelievable. All map elements are manufactured with advanced 3D printing technologies, to ensure maximum precision and detail. There are 381 individually designed elements from the game using 39 different vivid colors. Every element has been painstakingly designed to match the in-game model. The video showcases the Ancients, barracks, and towers in each base down to the forgotten bones of old enemies strewn along the side of a forest path. Ligting is designed to highlight the lava flows, crystals, bases, and other dynamic elements. Turn up the sound, hit play, and enjoy the ride through DOTA 2. More information about the Dota 2 diorama map can be found here: Dota 2 Map.
To learn more about topography models go to Topographical Models or Terrain Models.
Video Game Desktop Models
The nature of gaming has changed. Players want to connect with their characters in more ways than ever before. At WhiteClouds, we can help bring your characters to life in new and exciting ways. We offer complete customization of players’ favorite characters and unrivaled print detail. At WhiteClouds we understand how important it is that your model looks as good out of the printer as it did in your original design. Our 3D printers can achieve incredibly fine details you can see and touch and over 750,000 colors. In fact, our printers can print in layers 1/6th the size of a human hair. This level of detail allows for more intricate designs and customization for the characters your players care most about. Adding any accessory to your character is no problem, whether ammo packs, customized armor, loadouts, weapons, and holsters. Realism incorporating faces, tattoos, and skin tones are all possible. We also keep your character on their feet with unlimited base customization bringing environment to the model.
Technology and Materials for Character Models
Today’s technologies are making more impressive next generation video game models. Combining tried-and-tested traditional model-making with new 3D printing, 3D CNCing, 3D cutting, 3D digital, and new electronics capabilities are allowing model makers to build some really awesome video game models.
- Professional Creations – We have a team of designers, artists, model-makers, painters, air-brushers, electricians, sculptors, carpenters, taxidermists, and welders to fabricate that imaginative, immersive, and experiential 3D video game model.
- No project is too large or too small, from a 12′ desktop character model to a large 50′ video game diorama. If you can design it, we can create a physical model of it. If you can’t design it, we have a team of design professionals who can. We can work with preparing 3D video game models from scans, drawings, photos, and even napkins.
- Technologies include Foam Fabrication, Hot Wiring, CNC Cutting, Laser Cutting, Welding, and 6 different 3D Printing technologies for rapid prototyping or production models.
- Did we mention, we have 60,000 square feet of production facilities in Utah, including the largest capacity of full-color 3D printing in the world.
- With 3D printing technology, you aren’t limited to straight lines and boxes. A 3D printer can easily create detailed, complex shapes. We use six different 3D printing technologies using different materials including UV-cured resin. The type of physical end-product determines which material will produce the best results. We can help you choose the material that is best for your project. Resolution on our printers is finer than a human hair. Our color 3D printers can print in full-color (over 750,000 variations of color) for awe-inspiring reality.
- Foam themed models, foam letters, foam numbers, foam architectural models, foam props, foam characters, and foam sculptures can all be used to help expand what you are trying to build with foam fabrication.
Pricing of Custom 3D Video Game Models
The price of a video game model varies greatly because of size and complexity and can range from a few hundred dollars to a few hundred thousand dollars with some even in the millions. Each video game model is bid individually and the best way to determine cost is to email us, call us at 385-206-8700, or fill out the form below and let us bid on your project.
Get a Free Price Estimate for 3D Video Game Models
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Custom Fabrication Workflow
Common Questions & Answers
- What file type is required to make a video game model?
We work with all architectural CAD programs and modeling programs including AutoCAD, Revit, Chief Architect, ArchiCAD, Maya, 3DS Max Design, Zbrush, and Sketchup, just to name a few. If you design in 3D, we will start with your 3D files. If you have 2D blueprints and elevations, or artist’s sketches, we can build a display/model from these files as well. If all you have is and idea or a napkin drawing, we can start with that. - What technology do you use for video game models?
It can be a number of different technologies, individually or combined. These range from 3D Foam, 3D Printing, CNC Cutting, laser cutting, laser etching, casting, molding, sculpting, painting, airbrushing, laminating, vinyl printing, and woodworking – all meant to produce highly engaging video game models that fit your exact needs. - What is the material used?
We match the correct material and fabrication process to your requirements in terms of presentation, size, and transportablility. We fabricate in our model shop using different types of foam, wood, metal, resins, and acrylics. We can also 3D print in uv-cured resin, plastic, rubber-like, acrylic, and nylon. - What is the largest video game model you can make?
There is no limit to the size of model. Transportability will be your only concern on an extremely large model. - What is the turnaround time for a video game model?
This depends on the features of the model itself as well as the scale of the model. We usually ask for six to eight weeks from the time we take the order to when you will receive the model. Large projects can be four to six months or longer. We understand that sometimes deadlines are tight and we can accommodate rush orders. - What features can a video game model have?
Besides the physical 3D video game model with the proper color and appearance, you can elect to ask for special lighting, sound, and movement. - If I want a second video game model is it cheaper?
Our pricing is based on the fabrication costs and the time it takes to prepare your design. The second model is less in pricing because the design portion is complete.
Do you have a question we didn‘t answer? Don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-385-206-8700 or [email protected].
Worldwide Delivery
WhiteClouds has delivered models around the world.
History of Video Games
- 1950 Invented in 1950’s as an academic training tool
- 1962 Spacewar was the first ever all purpose-built computer game
- 1972 The popularity of arcade gaming explodes thanks to Atari’s game called Pong. The Magnavox Odyssey releases the first dedicated home games console
- 1977 One of the first at-home consoles is released, the Atari 2600. Worldwide unit sales reach 27 Million.
- 1978 Space Invaders hit arcades, with 60,000 machines popping up all over the US
- 1979 Atari’s most successful game, Astroids, is released
- 1980’s Pac-Man and Mario Brothers were the top games for children. Pac-Man ends up selling 350,000 arcade units. Donkey Kong and Mario sells 60,000 arcade units
- 1982 The Commodor 64 (with thousands of floppy disk games and 12.5 Million units sold) allows PC gaming to being rising to glory with its programmable home computer. The arcade gaming industry reaches $12 Billion in total revenue
- 1985 While the Sega Genesis boasts advanced technology, Nintendo focuses on publishing quality games. By the Mid-90’s Nintendo takes the lead with the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). 62 Million units of NES were sold.
- 1988 PC games start becoming more advanced and take off wiht John Madden’s Football
- 1989 With Gameboy, Nintendo reignites the handheld game market with a mere 2.6″ gray screen and and addictive game called Tetris. Sega releases Sonic the Hedgehog.
- 1993 A cultural phenomenon is born in DOOM, in the form of the first person shooter. Mortal Kombat, one of the first two-player fighting games, comes out in arcades.
- 1994 Newcomer Sony enters and immediately dominates the console market with its real-time 3D graphics, pushing Nintendo and Sega to the side. The first Warcraft game is released on PC.
- 1995 Sony gets in on the gaming industry, releasing the PlayStation with world wide sales of 104 Million
- 1995 Nintendo releases their worst selling console the Virtual Boy, this attempt at in-home “virtual reality” sold only 770,000 units, one of the worst sales figures in video gaming history.
- 1996 Nintendo 64 is realeased with a total of 33 Million units sold
- 1997 A pioneer in mobile gaming before smartphones even existed: Snake is pre-installed on over 400 Million Nokia phones, captivating players worldwide.
- 1998 More than just another PC shooter, Half-Life becomes a commercial and critical success thanks to its clever gameplay and unrivaled storytelling
- 1998 The Sega DreamCast was ahead of its time with the internet-enabled console. In the end, it couldn’t compete with Sony’s market stronghold and bowed out of the console wars
- 1999 Konami’s Dance Dance Revolution, an interactive game, gets arcade gamers moving
- 2000 The best-selling console of all time, at around 150 Million units sold, the Playstation 2 easily overlapped the sales of rivals, Xbox and GameCube
- 2001 Xbox and GameCube released. The next generation Gameboy, Gameboy Advance is released with 81 Million units sold
- 2003 Valve introduces Steam, a digital distribution platform for PC gamers where players can download and play tons of titles
- 2004 The Nintendo DS supersedes the long running GameBoy line, boasting a touch screen, microphone and built-in Wifi. Sony’s PSP offering fails to captivate players
- 2005 Microsoft continues to better their platform, releasing the Xbox 360. This is the first console featuring high-definition graphics. This technology eventually loses out to Blu-ray. The 360 sold 85 Million units
- 2006 Wii parties are all the rage as Nintendo targest the family and social gaming market with fun, motion detection based games like Wii Sports. Elsewhere, Sony releases the PS3 to compete with Microsoft’s Xbox 360
- 2007 The iPhone is literally a game changer – Apple opens the App Store in 2008, providing a new platfrom for developers. Now, mobile gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry. Rock Band is released complete with microphone, drum, and guitar controllers.
- 2008 Now the most popular MMO to date, World of Warcraft is released, redefining the social aspect of gaming.
- 2009 Currently the most played game in the world, League of Legends made $1.6 Billion in micro transactions in 2015 alone – a shining example within the free-to-play MMO gaming category.
- 2010 The very addictive game Minecraft is released for PC and later for console.
- 2011 Nintendo launches the Nintendo 3DS, a not-as-popular but still innovative handheld. The unit has currently sold 53 Million units.
- 2012 The successor to the Wii, the Wii U, is released to the lowest number of worldwide sales for any major console since the turn of the century 14 Million units
- 2013 Microsoft release the Xbox One, with current worldwide sales at 31 Million.
- 2015 Video games reach $61 Billion in sales
- 2017 Fortnite is released with over 125 Million people playing the game. Nintendo Switch is released
- 2018 Best selling games: Far Cry 5, God of War, Monster Hunter: World, and Dragon Ball
Video Game Statistics
49% of American Adults play video games
65% of US households own a device used to play video games
The average game is 38 years old
The gender ratio for video games is 59% male, 41% female
Favorite video game genres are Action (28%), Shooter (22%), Sports Games (13%), Role Playing (10%), Fighting (6%), and Adventure (6%), and others (15%)
Number of video gamers: Asia-pacific (1 Billion), America’s (407 Million), Europe (337 Million), Middle East (301 Million)
Video Game worldwide revenues expected in 2020 ($162 Billion)