School Custom Bronze Mascot Statue Case Study
Case study for the 13 foot high custom Bearcat bronze mascot statue commissioned by CORE Construction for their client Sherman High School made by WhiteClouds.
Case study for the 13 foot high custom Bearcat bronze mascot statue commissioned by CORE Construction for their client Sherman High School made by WhiteClouds.
WhiteClouds was commissioned by the Kaua`i Museum of Hawaii to re-create a permanent 3D statue of the last King and Queen of Kaua’i and Niihau. This life-size replica was made to honor King Ali‘i ‘Aimoku Kaumuali’i and Queen Deborah Kapule Kekaihaʻakūlou, standing outside the museum as if to welcome visitors to Kaua’i and to invite us to learn more about the rich Hawaiian history displayed in the museum.
Step into the realm of medical simulation and anatomical props with our blog on the Giant Pancreas Prop. Discover how this lifelike tool revolutionizes medical education, offering students and professionals a hands-on experience to understand the complexities of pancreatic anatomy and function. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the pancreas and its pivotal role in healthcare.