268 Cereal Mascots
268 Cereal Mascots
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Breakfast is often hailed as the most important meal of the day, and what makes it even more delightful are the characters who’ve greeted us with their colorful personalities and enchanting stories. Over the years, we’ve seen an incredible array of cereal mascots that have become household names, each bringing its own brand of magic to our mornings. In this listicle, we’re diving deep into the captivating world of 268 cereal mascots, taking you on a nostalgic journey through the annals of breakfast history.
268 Cereal Mascots
1. Alf – Alf’s Magic Cereal
Introduced: 1988
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “No problem!”
Info: Based on the alien character Alf from the television show.
2. Apple Raccoon – Apple Jacks promotions
Introduced: 1971
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: Various promotional slogans.
Info: Part of a promotional campaign for Apple Jacks.
3. Apple Raisin Rice’s Chef – Apple Raisin Rice
Introduced: 1986
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “The delicious taste of apple and raisins in a rice cereal!”
Info: Emphasized the use of real apples and raisins.
4. Bamm-Bamm and Pebbles – Variations of Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Post Cereals
Slogan: “Yabba Dabba Delicious!”
Info: Based on the children from the Flintstones cartoon.
5. Barney Rubble – Cocoa Pebbles
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Post Cereals
Slogan: “Watch me trick Fred out of his Cocoa Pebbles!”
Info: Constantly trying to get Fred’s cereal.
6. Barney the Barn Owl – Tooty Frooties (UK)
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Nestle
Slogan: “They’re toooooty frooty!”
Info: A popular cereal in the UK.
7. Baron Von Redberry – Baron Von Redberry cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “I say berry!”
Info: Competed with Sir Grapefellow.
8. Bart, Homer, and other Simpsons – Frosted KrustyO’s and other Simpsons-themed cereals
Introduced: 2007 (with the release of “The Simpsons Movie”)
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: Various, related to the show’s humor.
Info: Based on characters from “The Simpsons.”
9. Batman and The Joker – Batman Cereal
Introduced: 1989
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “The cereal with the crunch that fights back!”
Info: Timed with the release of the Batman movie.
10. Bear (Bear Naked) – Bear Naked Granola
Introduced: 2002
Company: Bear Naked Inc.
Slogan: “100% Pure & Natural.”
Info: Representing natural ingredients and no artificial flavors.
11. Bear Country Bears – Bear Country Cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “It’s a honey of a cereal!”
Info: Promoted the honey flavor.
12. Beary Bear – Beary Bites Cereal
Introduced: 1980s
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “A beary good part of a complete breakfast!”
Info: Aimed at younger children.
13. Bee (BuzzBee) – Honey Nut Cheerios
Introduced: 1979
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “It’s a honey of an O.”
Info: Promotes the delicious taste of honey and nuts.
14. Beetlejuice – Beetlejuice Cereal
Introduced: 1989
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “It’s showtime in the morning!”
Info: Based on Tim Burton’s movie and later animated series.
15. Benny the Ball – Benny the Ball’s Frosted Rice
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “It’s purr-fectly delicious!”
Info: Based on the “Top Cat” cartoon.
16. Berry the Bear – Bear Brand cereal
Introduced: 1980s
Company: Nestle
Slogan: “Berry good and healthy!”
Info: Aimed at promoting health benefits.
17. Big G – Representing General Mills cereals
Introduced: 1950s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: Varies per cereal.
Info: An emblem for General Mills products.
18. Big Mix Chicken-Wolf-Moose – Kellogg’s Big Mix
Introduced: 1990
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “A mix of great tastes!”
Info: A mix of various cereal shapes and flavors.
19. Big Mixx’s Friends – Bigg Mixx Cereal promotions
Introduced: 1990
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: Promotional slogans.
Info: Introduced to boost Big Mixx sales.
20. Big Otis – Otis O’s Cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “The big O in nutrition!”
Info: Emphasized the nutritious value.
21. Big Top Billy – Big Top Cereal
Introduced: 1960s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “The circus of flavors in your bowl!”
Info: Circus-themed.
22. Big Yella – Kellogg’s Corn Pops
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “The big yellow taste!”
Info: Represented the unique golden look of Corn Pops.
23. Bigg Mixx – Bigg Mixx Cereal
Introduced: 1990
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “A little bit of everything, a lot of great taste!”
Info: A mixture of various cereal ingredients.
24. Bingo the Gorilla – Krazy Kritters cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “Krazy good taste!”
Info: Promoted as a fun and wild cereal.
25. Blueberry Muffin-Top Muffin & Muffin-Top Strawberry – Blueberry Muffin-Top cereal
Introduced: Likely 2000s.
Company: Malt-O-Meal (now part of Post).
Slogan: “Taste the top!”
Info: Characters promoting a cereal that tastes like the top of a muffin.
26. Body Buddies – Body Buddies cereal
Introduced: 1980s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Nutrition in disguise!”
Info: Aimed at teaching kids the benefits of nutrition.
27. Boo Berry – Boo Berry cereal
Introduced: 1973
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “The first cereal to go boo in milk!”
Info: Part of the Monster Cereals group.
28. Breakfast Pals (Duck, Monkey, Frog) – Breakfast Pals Cereal
Introduced: Unknown (likely 1980s)
Company: Likely General Mills
Slogan: “A palatable morning treat!”
Info: A mix of various shapes to attract kids.
29. Buc Wheats’ Cowboy – Buc Wheats
Introduced: 1971
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “New-fangled, old-fashioned cereal!”
Info: Highlighted the grain’s hearty nature.
30. Buc Wheats’ Prospector – Buc Wheats cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Strikes it rich in taste!”
Info: Portrayed the quest for breakfast gold.
31. Bucaroo Kid – Wild West Cut-Outs
Introduced: Unknown
Company: Likely Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Giddy up for breakfast!”
Info: Western-themed cereal.
32. Buddha Bob – Zen Flakes
Introduced: Fictional (assuming this is not a real cereal)
Company: N/A
Slogan: “Achieve breakfast enlightenment.”
Info: Zen-inspired, presumably a calm start to the day.
33. Buddy Baker – Cinnamon Mini-Buns
Introduced: 1991
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Taste of cinnamon buns in a size that’s fun!”
Info: Miniature bun-shaped cereals.
34. Bullwinkle J. Moose & Rocky – Bullwinkle’s Cereal
Introduced: 1960s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Breakfast with a bang!”
Info: Based on the “Rocky and Bullwinkle” show.
35. Bunny Rabbit – Bunny Bits
Introduced: Unknown
Company: Likely General Mills or Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Hop into a healthy breakfast!”
Info: Aimed at kids with bunny-themed shapes.
36. Buzz Blitzen – Reindeer cereal
Introduced: Fictional (assuming this is not a real cereal)
Company: N/A
Slogan: “Fly high with every bite!”
Info: Christmas-inspired cereal.
37. Buzz the Bee – Cocoa Puffs
Introduced: 1979
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “I’m cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!” (Note: Buzz was for Honey Nut Cheerios, Sonny was the Cocoa Puffs bird)
Info: Represents the cereal’s chocolatey taste.
38. BuzzBee’s Friends – Honey Nut Cheerios promotions
Introduced: 1980s onward
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “It’s a honey of an O.”
Info: Characters that accompanied BuzzBee in various promotions.
39. C3POs Robot – C-3PO’s cereal
Introduced: 1984
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “A New Force at Breakfast!”
Info: Based on the “Star Wars” character.
40. Cap’n Crunch (Horatio Magellan Crunch) – Cap’n Crunch cereals
Introduced: 1963
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “Stays crunchy, even in milk!”
Info: A naval captain who loves crunch.
41. Cap’n Crunch’s Soggies – The villains in Cap’n Crunch commercials
Introduced: 1980s
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “Down with the crunch!”
Info: Villains who tried to make the cereal soggy.
42. Captain Cupcake – Hostess’s Cupcake cereal
Introduced: Fictional (assuming this is not a real cereal)
Company: N/A
Slogan: “A cupcake delight in every bite!”
Info: Based on the Hostess cupcake.
43. Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch’s Dog (Sea Dog) – Cap’n Crunch
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: Accompanying slogans with Cap’n Crunch.
Info: Faithful sidekick to Cap’n Crunch.
44. Captain Pluck – Corn Flakes promotions
Introduced: Unknown
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Set sail for a crunchy morning!”
Info: Promotional character for Corn Flakes.
45. Caveman Cocoa – Cocoa Krispies promotions
Introduced: 1980s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “The oldest crunch in history!”
Info: Represented the early love for cocoa.
46. Chip the Wolf – Cookie Crisp
Introduced: 1997
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Cooookie Crisp!”
Info: Represented the cereal’s cookie taste.
47. Chockle the Blob – Chockle’s Cereal
Introduced: Unknown (likely 1970s-80s)
Company: Likely General Mills or Ralston Purina
Slogan: “Overflowing with chocolaty fun!”
Info: A chocolate-themed mascot.
48. Chocolate and Vanilla Moose – Moose-a-licious cereal
Introduced: Fictional (assuming this is not a real cereal)
Company: N/A
Slogan: “A forest of flavors!”
Info: Two moose representing different flavors.
49. Chocolate Malt Loaf – Choco-Loaf Cereal
Introduced: Fictional (assuming this is not a real cereal)
Company: N/A
Slogan: “Rise and shine with choco goodness!”
Info: Bread-themed chocolate cereal.
50. Cinnaburst Chef – Cinnaburst Cereal
Introduced: Fictional (assuming this is not a real cereal)
Company: N/A
Slogan: “Bursting with cinnamon in every bite!”
Info: A chef mascot representing the baking of cinnamon treats.
51. CinniMini – Mini Cinnis cereal
Introduced: Unknown (likely 1990s)
Company: Likely Kellogg’s or General Mills
Slogan: “Mini delights in every bite!”
Info: Emphasized the miniature size and cinnamon taste.
52. Cocoa Puff’s Caveman – Cocoa Puffs promotions
Introduced: 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Old-time love for chocolate!”
Info: Early mascot emphasizing primitive love for chocolate.
53. Cocoa Puffs’ Sheik of Shake – Cocoa Puffs
Introduced: Unknown
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Shake up your mornings!”
Info: A thematic promotional character.
54. Cocoa the Monkey – Cocoa Krispies
Introduced: 1958 (UK variant)
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “It’s chocolatey fun in every bite!”
Info: Used mainly in the UK instead of US counterparts.
55. Colonel Corny – Corn Flakes promotions
Introduced: 1950s or 60s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “A salute to crunch!”
Info: A play on military and breakfast.
56. Colonel Crunch – Early mascot before Cap’n Crunch
Introduced: Early 1960s
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: Preceded the famous “Stays crunchy, even in milk!”
Info: Precursor to Cap’n Crunch.
57. Cookie Jarvis – Cookie Crisp (before Chip the Wolf)
Introduced: Late 1970s
Company: Ralston Purina, later General Mills
Slogan: “For cookie lovers of all sizes!”
Info: Magician character who loved cookies.
58. Cool Cat – Cool Cat Cereal
Introduced: Unknown (likely 1960s-70s)
Company: Likely General Mills
Slogan: “It’s the cat’s meow!”
Info: A hip cat promoting a likely fruit-flavored cereal.
59. Cool McCool – McCool’s Cereal
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “Cool mornings start here!”
Info: Based on the animated TV show “Cool McCool”.
60. Corn Burst Rooster – Corn Burst
Introduced: Likely 1960s
Company: Likely General Mills or Kellogg’s
Slogan: “A rooster’s way to rise!”
Info: Emphasized the morning energy boost.
61. Cornelius (Corny) the Corn – Corn Pops
Introduced: Varied by region
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Gotta Have My Pops!”
Info: Cornelius, sometimes called Corny, was the mascot for Corn Pops in certain regions, showcasing the cereal’s pop of corn flavor.
62. Cornelius’ Family – Corn Flakes (some regions)
Introduced: Varied by region
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “The Original & Best!”
Info: Some marketing strategies introduced a family for Cornelius to make the cereal more family-oriented.
63. Cornelius Jr. – Popsicle’s Corn Pops (some regions)
Introduced: Unknown
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: N/A
Info: This seems to be a more regional or lesser-known variation of the mascot.
64. Cornelius Rooster – Corn Flakes
Introduced: 1957
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Wake up to the Crunch!”
Info: Cornelius Rooster is the official face of Corn Flakes and has been a staple on the box for decades.
65. Cosmic – Cosmic Crunch
Introduced: Unknown
Company: Likely a fictional or less well-known brand
Slogan: “Blast off to a Crunchy Universe!”
Info: This space-themed cereal offers a celestial experience.
66. Count Chocula – Count Chocula cereal
Introduced: 1971
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “I vant to eat your cereal!”
Info: As part of General Mills’ Monster Cereals, Count Chocula is the face of this chocolatey marshmallow treat.
67. Cowboy Crunchies’ Cowboy – Cowboy Crunchies
Introduced: Likely a fictional or less well-known brand
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Yeehaw for Breakfast!”
Info: Riding the wild west theme, this mascot promotes crunchy goodness.
68. Crazy Cow – Crazy Cow cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “The Cereal that Makes Milk Taste Like a Milkshake!”
Info: This cereal came in both chocolate and strawberry flavors and was unique in that it flavored the milk.
69. Crispety & Crunchety Crow – Cocoa Puffs (before Sonny)
Introduced: Before the 1960s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: N/A
Info: Before Sonny the Cuckoo Bird, this crow promoted the chocolatey crunch of Cocoa Puffs.
70. Crispy – Cocoa Krispies (in some regions)
Introduced: Varied by region
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “A Chocolatey Burst in Every Bite!”
Info: Crispy was an early mascot used in some regions for Cocoa Krispies.
71. Crispy – Rice Krispies (before Snap, Crackle, and Pop)
Introduced: Before the famous trio
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Start your morning with a crisp!”
Info: An early representation of the Rice Krispies brand.
72. Crispy Critters Lion – Crispy Critters
Introduced: 1963
Company: Post Cereals
Slogan: “The one and only cereal that comes in the shape of animals.”
Info: This cereal featured a fun assortment of animal-shaped pieces.
73. Crispy’s Friends – Rice Krispies promotions
Introduced: Various times
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Join the fun with Snap, Crackle, Pop, and friends!”
Info: Over the years, Rice Krispies has introduced various friends for their iconic trio.
74. Crunchy Stars Astronaut – Crunchy Stars
Introduced: Likely fictional or less well-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Blast your breakfast into orbit!”
Info: Emphasizing the space theme for a star-shaped cereal.
75. Dan’l Boone – Pioneer Oats
Introduced: Unknown
Company: Likely a fictional or lesser-known brand
Slogan: “Pioneer your day with a hearty breakfast!”
Info: Based on the historic figure, representing the pioneering spirit.
76. Dig’em Frog – Honey Smacks
Introduced: 1972
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Gimme a Smack and I’ll Smack you back!”
Info: This frog mascot is the face of the sweetened puffed wheat cereal.
77. Dinersaurs’ Dinosaurs – Dinersaurs Cereal
Introduced: 1988
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “A Dino-riffic Breakfast!”
Info: This cereal was shaped like various dinosaurs, offering a fun prehistoric breakfast.
78. Dino – Flintstones-related cereals
Introduced: Varied with Flintstones promotions
Company: Post Cereals
Slogan: N/A
Info: Dino, the Flintstones’ pet dinosaur, has appeared on various Flintstones-themed cereals.
79. Dino-Buddies – Dino-Buddies Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Roar into your morning!”
Info: A cereal likely featuring various dinosaur shapes.
80. Dizzy the Dragon – Dizzy Grizzlies Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Make your morning spin with flavor!”
Info: A dragon-themed cereal with a fun twist.
81. Doctor Urkel-O’s – Urkel-O’s Cereal
Introduced: 1991
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “Got any cheese?”
Info: A cereal based on the popular character Steve Urkel from the TV show “Family Matters”.
82. Donkey Kong & Mario – Donkey Kong Cereal
Introduced: 1982
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “It’s a cereal WOW!”
Info: Based on the popular Nintendo video game characters, this cereal had fruit-flavored corn pieces shaped like barrels.
83. Duke the Dog – Duke’s Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Unleash the taste!”
Info: Duke was a mascot for a dog-themed cereal.
84. Dumb Dora – Dumb Dora’s Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Dumb Deliciousness!”
Info: Based on a playful name, this cereal had a quirky theme.
85. E.T. – E.T. Cereal
Introduced: 1982
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “A glowing part of a good breakfast!”
Info: Themed around the famous extraterrestrial from the iconic movie.
86. Elfin Baker – Keebler’s Cereal
Introduced: Dates vary with promotions
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Baked by Elves, loved by everyone!”
Info: This mascot represents the Keebler Elves, who are known for making cookies and various other products, including cereal.
87. Fastball the Cheetah – Cheetah Power cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Speed up your breakfast!”
Info: A cheetah-themed cereal promoting energy and speed.
88. Fingos’ Thumb – Fingos cereal
Introduced: 1993
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “It’s so good, you’ll eat it right out of the box!”
Info: A cereal that was promoted to be eaten without milk, straight from the box.
89. Flutey the Flute – Froot Loops commercials
Introduced: Varied with commercials
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: N/A
Info: A character used in promotions and commercials for Froot Loops.
90. Franken Berry – Franken Berry cereal
Introduced: 1971
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Berry scary good!”
Info: A strawberry-flavored counterpart to Count Chocula, part of the Monster Cereals lineup.
91. Freakies Tree and various Freakies – Freakies cereal
Introduced: 1972
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “We are the Freakies, we are the Freakies, and this is our Freakies tree!”
Info: A cereal with seven mascot characters who lived in a magic tree and sought their cereal.
92. Fred and Barney – Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles
Introduced: 1971
Company: Post Cereals
Slogan: “Yabba-Dabba-Doo!”
Info: Based on the beloved characters from “The Flintstones” cartoon.
93. Fred Flintstone – Fruity Pebbles
Introduced: 1971
Company: Post Cereals
Slogan: “Taste the rainbow of fruit flavors!”
Info: The main character from “The Flintstones”, promoting the fruity version of Pebbles cereal.
94. Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble – Fruity/Cocoa Pebbles
Introduced: 1971
Company: Post Cereals
Slogan: “Little pieces, big taste!”
Info: These iconic Flintstones characters are often seen together in commercials.
95. Frontier Kids – Frontier Fritters
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “The Wild West in Every Bite!”
Info: A theme centered around frontier children.
96. Frosty O’s Kid – Frosty O’s Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Cool down your morning!”
Info: A frost-themed cereal with a youthful mascot.
97. Frosty the Snowman – Christmas-themed cereals
Introduced: Dates vary with promotions
Company: Varied
Slogan: “Magical breakfasts start with Frosty!”
Info: The beloved winter character promoting holiday cereals.
98. Fruit Brute the Werewolf – Fruit Brute cereal
Introduced: 1974
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Brutely delicious!”
Info: Part of the Monster Cereals lineup, a fruit-flavored cereal with a werewolf mascot.
99. Fruit Islands’ Chief Aloha – Fruit Islands Cereal
Introduced: 1987
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Aloha, delicious breakfast!”
Info: A tropical-themed cereal with a Hawaiian mascot.
100. Fruitella the Fox – Fruity Yummy Mummy promotions
Introduced: Dates associated with Fruity Yummy Mummy promotions
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Fruitella-licious!”
Info: A fox character linked to the Fruity Yummy Mummy cereal.
101. Fruity Monster (Fruit Brute) – Fruit Brute cereal
Introduced: 1974
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Brutely fruity!”
Info: An earlier incarnation of the Fruit Brute cereal with a werewolf mascot, part of the Monster Cereals lineup.
102. G.I. Joe’s Cobra – G.I. Joe Action Stars Cereal
Introduced: 1985
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “A real American breakfast!”
Info: Themed around the G.I. Joe’s Cobra enemy faction, giving kids action-packed mornings.
103. Geoffrey the Giraffe – Toys “R” Us promotional cereal
Introduced: Dates vary with promotions.
Company: Toys “R” Us
Slogan: “Toys in every bite!”
Info: The recognizable mascot of the Toys “R” Us chain promoting a brand cereal.
104. Ghostbusters’ Slimer – Ghostbusters Cereal
Introduced: 1985
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “A ghostly good part of a nutritious breakfast!”
Info: Based on the popular ‘Ghostbusters’ movies, featuring the ghost Slimer.
105. Gloworm – Gloworm Grahams
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Glow up your mornings!”
Info: A cereal based on glowing worms.
106. Golden Crisp Seal – Golden Crisp
Introduced: Dates vary with regional variations.
Company: Post Cereals
Slogan: “Seal in the goodness!”
Info: Used in some regions/markets as a variant mascot for Golden Crisp cereal.
107. Golden Crisp’s Granny Goodwitch – Golden Crisp
Introduced: Before Sugar Bear became the primary mascot.
Company: Post Cereals
Slogan: “It’s magic in a bowl!”
Info: An earlier mascot before Sugar Bear took over as the main face of the cereal.
108. Goofy – Goofy Grape cereal
Introduced: Dates based on promotions.
Company: Disney-themed, likely by a major cereal manufacturer.
Slogan: “Grape-tastic mornings with Goofy!”
Info: A cereal based on Disney’s iconic character, Goofy.
109. Gremlins’ Gizmo – Gremlins Cereal
Introduced: 1984
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “Just don’t eat after midnight!”
Info: Themed around the movie ‘Gremlins’ featuring the character Gizmo.
110. Grins, Smiles, Giggles & Laughs – The cereal of the same name
Introduced: 1976
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “The cereal that smiles back!”
Info: A cereal designed around happiness and laughter.
111. Hammy the Hamster – Hammy’s Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Ham up your breakfast!”
Info: A hamster-themed cereal.
112. Hanna-Barbera Characters – Various cereals
Introduced: Dates vary based on characters and cereals.
Company: Varied, often Post Cereals or General Mills.
Slogan: “Cartoonishly delicious!”
Info: Famous cartoon characters like the Flintstones, Yogi Bear, and others graced various cereal boxes.
113. Happy the Clown – Happy’s Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Start your day with a smile!”
Info: A cheerful clown-themed cereal.
114. Harry Hippo – Happy Flakes
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Hippoly delicious!”
Info: A hippo-themed cereal promoting happiness.
115. Hocus & Pocus – Magic Puffs Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “The magical taste in every bite!”
Info: A magic-themed cereal with duo mascots.
116. Honey Bunny – Honey Bunny Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Hoppin’ with honey goodness!”
Info: A sweet cereal based on a bunny mascot.
117. Honey Tree Bear – Honey Tree Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Bear-ly resistible honey flavor!”
Info: A bear mascot that loves honey-flavored cereals.
118. Horrified Hare – Horrified Hare Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Hare-raisingly good!”
Info: A play on words, this cereal has a frightened rabbit as its mascot.
119. Hot Stuff the Little Devil – Hot Stuff cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or based on a character from comics.
Company: Unknown, potentially tied to a comic book company.
Slogan: “Devilishly good!”
Info: A cereal based on the comic character ‘Hot Stuff the Little Devil’.
120. Hugo the Hippo – Punch Crunch
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “A punch of flavor in every bite!”
Info: A fun-loving hippo promoting fruit-flavored cereal.
121. Hulk – Hulk’s Cereal
Introduced: 1980s, likely during the popularity of Hulk comics.
Company: Marvel in collaboration with a major cereal manufacturer.
Slogan: “Unleash the power!”
Info: Based on Marvel’s iconic superhero, the Hulk.
122. Hulk Hogan – Hulk Hogan’s Hulkaroos
Introduced: 1990s
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “Eat like a champion!”
Info: Tied to the popular wrestler Hulk Hogan, bringing his energy to the breakfast table.
123. Ice Cream Jones – Ice Cream Cones Cereal
Introduced: 1987
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Every scoop’s a delight!”
Info: Ice Cream Jones delivered the taste of ice cream cones in cereal form.
124. Jackie the Animal Trainer – Circus Fun cereal
Introduced: 1980s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “A big top breakfast!”
Info: The cereal featured circus-themed shapes and an animal trainer mascot.
125. Jean LaFoote – Cap’n Crunch’s Cinnamon Crunch
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “A cinnamon treasure!”
Info: The sneaky pirate rival of Cap’n Crunch.
126. Jolly Ollie Orange – Orange flavored cereals
Introduced: Date varies.
Company: Likely varied.
Slogan: “Orangy burst in every bite!”
Info: A mascot representing the taste of oranges in various cereals.
127. Kaboom the Clown – Kaboom cereal
Introduced: 1969
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “A breakfast blast!”
Info: A colorful cereal with a clown mascot.
128. Karate Kid – Karate Kid Cereal
Introduced: 1980s, likely after the film’s success.
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “Kick start your day!”
Info: A cereal inspired by the hit movie ‘Karate Kid’.
129. Kernal Cob – Korn Kobbler Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Kernelicious mornings!”
Info: Based on corn and its natural taste.
130. King Ding Dong – Hostess’s Ding Dong cereal
Introduced: Dates based on promotions.
Company: Hostess
Slogan: “Royal treat in every bite!”
Info: A cereal iteration of Hostess’s popular snack cakes.
131. King Leonardo – King Leonardo’s Lion Hearts
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Likely based on a cartoon or promotional tie-in.
Slogan: “A roar of flavor!”
Info: A cereal with a royal lion mascot.
132. King Vitaman – King Vitaman Cereal
Introduced: 1970
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “Rule your breakfast kingdom!”
Info: A cereal that promises nutrition and flavor, fronted by a regal figure.
133. King Zor – King Zor’s Dynabites
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “A dyna-mite start to the day!”
Info: A prehistoric-themed cereal.
134. Kitty, Rascal & Sweetie – Morning Funnies cereal
Introduced: Late 1980s
Company: Ralston
Slogan: “Laugh and munch!”
Info: Characters based on various comic strip characters.
135. Kooky Spook – Kooky Spook Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “A ghoulishly good breakfast!”
Info: A ghost-themed cereal.
136. Kooky the Koala – Kombos cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Climb to a tasty breakfast!”
Info: The koala who loved the combo taste of this cereal.
137. Kreepy the Clown – Kreepy Krawlies Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Creep into a delicious bowl!”
Info: A unique clown mascot for a cereal with a spooky twist.
138. Krispie Kids (Pop’s successors) – Rice Krispies promotions
Introduced: Before the more famous Snap, Crackle, and Pop.
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Hear the morning sing!”
Info: Early mascots for Rice Krispies before the iconic trio took over.
139. Krunch (The Sea Dog) – Pirate’s Gold cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Treasure in every bite!”
Info: A swashbuckling sea dog searching for golden cereal treasures.
140. Lil’ Sprout – Green Giant’s cereals
Introduced: Dates based on promotions.
Company: Green Giant
Slogan: “Grow strong with every spoon!”
Info: The younger version of the Jolly Green Giant promoting nutritious cereals.
141. Linus the Lionhearted – Crispy Critters
Introduced: 1963
Company: Post
Slogan: “They’re lion fun!”
Info: Linus was a friendly lion who promoted this cereal and even had his own Saturday morning cartoon.
142. Little Boy Blue – Corny Snaps
Introduced: Likely 1970s.
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “As tasty as a nursery rhyme!”
Info: This mascot was based on the popular nursery rhyme character.
143. Little Green Sprout – Green Giant Cereal
Introduced: Dates based on promotions.
Company: Green Giant
Slogan: “From the valley to your bowl!”
Info: The small companion to the Jolly Green Giant.
144. Lovable Truly – Alpha-Bits
Introduced: 1958
Company: Post
Slogan: “Spell out your breakfast!”
Info: A postman who delivered messages about the alphabet-shaped cereal.
145. Lucky the Leprechaun – Lucky Charms
Introduced: 1964
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “They’re magically delicious!”
Info: The iconic mascot who’s always chased for his magical marshmallow charms.
146. Magic Rabbit – Magic Flakes
Introduced: Unknown
Company: Likely a regional or fictional brand.
Slogan: “Hop into a magical breakfast!”
Info: A magical rabbit promoting a presumably flaky cereal.
147. Magnus the Magnate – Corny-Snaps
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “A rich taste in every bite!”
Info: Potentially a wealthy character promoting the cereal.
148. Major Jet – Jets cereal
Introduced: 1950s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Fuel your day the Jet way!”
Info: This cereal was shaped like little jets, with Major Jet leading the charge.
149. Marshmallow Tree – Magic Puffs
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Grow your imagination!”
Info: A whimsical tree character possibly associated with a marshmallow-infused cereal.
150. Max the Daredevil – Corn Pops promotions
Introduced: Likely a promotional character from the 2000s.
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Take a daring crunch!”
Info: Max was possibly used in promotional campaigns for Corn Pops.
151. Max the Dog – Cookie Crisp (before Chip the Wolf)
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Ralston, then General Mills
Slogan: “The cookie cereal!”
Info: Before Chip the Wolf, Max the Dog and other mascots tried to get their paws on Cookie Crisp.
152. Mickey Mouse – Various Mickey-themed cereals
Introduced: Over various periods based on promotions.
Company: Multiple companies under Disney license.
Slogan: “The magic starts with breakfast!”
Info: Mickey Mouse, the iconic Disney character, has had various cereal incarnations over the years.
153. Mighty Mouse – Mighty Mouse Cereal
Introduced: Based on the popular cartoon period.
Company: Likely a tie-in with the cartoon’s popularity.
Slogan: “Mighty good munching!”
Info: A cereal themed around the superhero mouse, Mighty Mouse.
154. Mikey – Life cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “He likes it! Hey Mikey!”
Info: Mikey was a young boy known for his picky eating but loved Life cereal.
155. Mister Rogers – Mister Rogers’ Cereal
Introduced: Likely 1980s or based on show promotions.
Company: Based on the “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” TV show.
Slogan: “A neighborly breakfast!”
Info: This wholesome cereal was based on the iconic children’s television host.
156. Monty the Monster – Marshmallow Krispies
Introduced: 1980s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Monsterously marshmallowy!”
Info: Monty craved the marshmallow-infused Rice Krispies variant.
157. Moon Man – Moonstones Cereal
Introduced: Likely 1970s.
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “A galactic crunch!”
Info: Promoting a space-themed cereal.
158. Moonstones Aliens – Moonstones cereal
Introduced: Likely 1970s.
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Out of this world flavor!”
Info: Colorful alien mascots for the space-themed cereal.
159. Mother Nature – Nature Valley Granola
Introduced: Date varies based on product releases.
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Nature’s best, in a bite!”
Info: Representing the natural and wholesome ingredients of the granola.
160. Mr. Mini-Wheats – Mini-Wheats
Introduced: Likely 1980s or 1990s.
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Whole wheat goodness in a mini size!”
Info: A mascot representing the popular wheat-based cereal.
161. Mr. Muscle – Wheaties
Introduced: Not a well-known or mainstream mascot for Wheaties.
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “The Breakfast of Champions”
Info: While Wheaties is known for featuring athletes on its boxes, Mr. Muscle doesn’t seem to be a recognized mascot for the brand.
162. Mr. T – Mr. T Cereal
Introduced: 1984
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “I pity the fool who doesn’t eat my cereal!”
Info: This cereal was inspired by Mr. T, the actor and professional wrestler, especially during his “A-Team” fame.
163. Mr. Wonderfull’s Surprize Man – Mr. Wonderfull’s Surprize
Introduced: Likely 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “The cereal with a surprise inside!”
Info: This cereal contained a toy surprise in each box.
164. Newtron – Newtrition Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “A new twist on nutrition!”
Info: This mascot likely promoted a cereal with enhanced nutritional benefits.
165. Ogg – Ogg’s cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Go wild for Ogg’s!”
Info: A potentially prehistoric or wild-themed cereal.
166. OJ Joe – OJ’s cereal
Introduced: 1980s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Orange juice in every bite!”
Info: A cereal that claimed to provide the same vitamin content as orange juice.
167. Oliver Owl – Hoots cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “A hootin’ good breakfast!”
Info: A wise owl mascot for a presumably owl-themed cereal.
168. Otto the Orange, Lily the Lemon, Cherry Charlie, and Grapity Grape – OJ’s Cereal
Introduced: 1980s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Fruit flavors burst in every bite!”
Info: These characters represented the fruit flavors in the cereal.
169. Pac-Man – Pac-Man cereal
Introduced: 1983
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Waka Waka!”
Info: Based on the iconic arcade game character.
170. Pac-Man and Ghosts – Pac-Man Cereal
Introduced: 1983
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Chase the fun of the arcade game!”
Info: The cereal featured Pac-Man and ghost-shaped marshmallows.
171. Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm – Ice Cream Pebbles
Introduced: Based on promotions and new flavors.
Company: Post
Slogan: “A frosty delight in every bite!”
Info: A variation of the classic Pebbles cereal with an ice cream flavor twist.
172. Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm – Variations of Pebbles cereals
Introduced: Varies by product release.
Company: Post
Slogan: “Yabba Dabba Delicious!”
Info: The Flintstones kids, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, have been featured on various flavors of the Pebbles cereals.
173. Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm as Teens – Pebbles Cereal limited editions
Introduced: Based on limited editions and promotions.
Company: Post
Slogan: “Yabba Dabba Doo Time!”
Info: Special editions featuring the characters as teenagers.
174. Pebbles Dino – Cocoa Pebbles
Introduced: Based on promotions.
Company: Post
Slogan: “Dino-mite chocolate flavor!”
Info: Dino, the Flintstones’ pet, occasionally appeared on Cocoa Pebbles packaging.
175. Pete the Cheerios Kid – Cheerios
Introduced: 1950s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Go with Cheerios!”
Info: Pete was an early mascot for Cheerios and was often shown with his sidekick, Sue.
176. Peter Cottontail – Peter Cottontail Cereal
Introduced: Likely based on holiday promotions.
Company: Based on licensing from the character.
Slogan: “Hop into a delightful breakfast!”
Info: Based on the popular Easter character.
177. Pink Frosted Honeys’ Bear – Pink Frosted Honey Bits
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “A berry sweet start!”
Info: A bear promoting a pink, honey-themed cereal.
178. Pink Panther – Pink Panther Flakes
Introduced: 1970s
Company: Post
Slogan: “The cool cat’s cereal!”
Info: The cereal was themed around the popular cartoon character, Pink Panther.
179. Polaris Pete – Frosted Krispies
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Snowy sweet crunch!”
Info: Pete was an early mascot for this frosted variant of Rice Krispies.
180. Popeye – Popeye-themed cereals
Introduced: 1970s and other periods.
Company: Various, based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “Strong to the finish!”
Info: Popeye, the spinach-loving sailor, has had various cereals based on his character over the years.
181. Poppin’ Fresh (the Pillsbury Doughboy) – Pillsbury’s Oatmeal Cereal and others
Introduced: 1965 (Doughboy’s first appearance)
Company: Pillsbury
Slogan: “Nothin’ says lovin’ like somethin’ from the oven.”
Info: While Poppin’ Fresh is primarily associated with baked goods, he was used to promote a few cereals over the years.
182. Poppin’ Fresh’s Dog – Popper’s Cereal
Introduced: Lesser-known or potentially fictional.
Company: Likely Pillsbury
Slogan: “Pop into a bowlful of fun!”
Info: A cereal featuring Poppin’ Fresh’s loyal dog companion.
183. Poppy – Poppets Cereal
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Pop into a delightful crunch!”
Info: Poppy, the mascot for a presumably pop-themed cereal.
184. Pop-Tart Minis’ Pack – Pop-Tart Minis Cereal
Introduced: 1990s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “A big delight in every bite!”
Info: Miniature pop-tarts that you could pour into a bowl and eat like cereal.
185. Pop-Tarts Sprinklings – Pop-Tarts Cereal
Introduced: Likely based on a Pop-Tarts variant.
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “A sprinkling of fun in every bite!”
Info: Another cereal inspired by the popular toaster pastries.
186. Pow! The Power Kid – Power O’s
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Power up your morning!”
Info: Pow! embodies the energy boost from the cereal.
187. Powdered Donutz Boy – Powdered Donutz cereal
Introduced: 1980s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “A donut delight in every bite!”
Info: A cereal shaped and flavored like mini powdered donuts.
188. Powdered Toast Man – Powdered Toast Crunch
Introduced: Based on the character from “The Ren & Stimpy Show.”
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “It’s toast… in a cereal!”
Info: A likely fictional or promotional cereal based on the character from a popular cartoon.
189. Power Ranger Characters – Power Rangers Cereal
Introduced: 1990s, aligned with the show’s popularity.
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “Morphin’ into a mighty breakfast!”
Info: Cereal based on the popular “Power Rangers” franchise.
190. Professor Atom – Atomic Crunch Cereal
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Explode with energy!”
Info: A science-themed cereal with an atom-focused mascot.
191. Professor Googel – Google Puffs Cereal
Introduced: Likely fictional or lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Search for the best part of your morning!”
Info: A cereal mascot with a name suspiciously close to a certain tech giant.
192. Puff and Corny – Puffa Puffa Rice
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Puff-puffa-puffa, nice rice!”
Info: These characters promoted this rice-based cereal.
193. Puffa Puffa Rice Train Conductor – Puffa Puffa Rice
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “All aboard for a delicious breakfast!”
Info: The train conductor character steered the theme for this cereal.
194. Puffa the Steam Engine – Puffa Puffa Rice promotions
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Chug into a bowlful!”
Info: Puffa was used to promote this rice cereal with a train theme.
195. Puffkins – Puffa Puffa Rice
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Puff your way to a great day!”
Info: Possibly another character associated with the Puffa Puffa Rice brand.
196. Punchy – Hawaiian Punch cereal
Introduced: Likely based on the drink’s promotions.
Company: Based on licensing agreements with the drink.
Slogan: “Punch up your breakfast!”
Info: Punchy is the mascot of the popular Hawaiian Punch beverage and was used for any cereal adaptations.
197. Quake – Quake cereal (Quisp’s counterpart)
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “Quake up your breakfast!”
Info: Quake was a counterpart to the Quisp character, and they often competed in promotions.
198. Quake’s adversary Quisp – Quisp Cereal
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “A quisp-tacular taste!”
Info: Quisp is an alien character and had his own cereal.
199. Quisp Alien – Quisp
Introduced: 1960s
Company: Quaker Oats
Slogan: “Out of this world flavor!”
Info: This references the same alien character mentioned above.
200. Rainbow Brite – Rainbow Brite Cereal
Introduced: 1980s
Company: Based on licensing agreements with the character.
Slogan: “Color your breakfast bright!”
Info: Based on the popular ’80s character, this cereal featured colorful, fruity flavors.
201. Ralston Purina Checkerboard Kids – Multiple Ralston cereals
Introduced: Mid-20th century
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “It’s Checkerboard Time!”
Info: The checkerboard logo and kids are synonymous with Ralston Purina, representing many of their cereals over the years.
202. Rancho – Rancho Cereal
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Ride into a crispy morning!”
Info: A cereal with a Wild West theme, presumably.
203. Rice Krispies’ Pow! – Represented “Power” in older campaigns
Introduced: Part of older campaigns
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “The power-packed breakfast!”
Info: An embodiment of the “power” of Rice Krispies in some older promotional materials.
204. Ricey the Crow – Rice Krinkles
Introduced: Early 20th century
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Caw for more!”
Info: Ricey promoted a rice-based cereal, potentially an early Rice Krispies precursor or competitor.
205. Rinkadink – Crazy Cow cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “It’s udderly delicious!”
Info: Rinkadink was associated with this cereal that turned milk into strawberry or chocolate flavor.
206. Rocky and Bullwinkle – Rocky and Bullwinkle cereal
Introduced: Aligned with the show’s popularity.
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “Moose-tastic flavor in every bite!”
Info: A cereal themed after the beloved animated show characters.
207. Rocky the Flying Squirrel – Rocky’s Flying Bits
Introduced: Based on the character from “The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.”
Company: Likely based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “Soar into a great day!”
Info: Another cereal using a character from the famous show.
208. Rosey and Buddy – Oat Flakes
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Buddy up with breakfast!”
Info: These two characters presumably pushed the health benefits of oats.
209. Rugrats – Reptar Crunch Cereal
Introduced: 1990s-2000s, based on the show’s timeline.
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “A baby’s gotta do what a baby’s gotta chew!”
Info: A cereal themed after the iconic “Rugrats” show, particularly the character Reptar.
210. Rusty – Wheat Chex
Introduced: Mid-20th century.
Company: Ralston (later, General Mills)
Slogan: “Chex it out!”
Info: Rusty was a mascot promoting the wholesomeness of Wheat Chex.
211. Shredded Ralston Cowboy – Shredded Ralston
Introduced: Early 20th century.
Company: Ralston Purina
Slogan: “The wild west in every bowl!”
Info: A cowboy mascot for a cereal with a western theme.
212. Shrek, Donkey, and Puss in Boots – Various Shrek themed cereals
Introduced: Early 2000s, based on movie releases.
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “A fairytale breakfast!”
Info: Various cereals released in conjunction with “Shrek” movie promotions.
213. Silly Whabbit – Trix (in some promotional materials)
Introduced: A spin on the classic mascot.
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Silly Whabbit, Trix are for kids!”
Info: An alternative or playful take on the classic “Trix Rabbit.”
214. Sir Grapefellow – Sir Grapefellow cereal
Introduced: 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “A grape-tacular taste!”
Info: A grape-flavored cereal with a knightly mascot.
215. Sir Grapefellow and Baron Von Redberry – Sir Grapefellow and Baron Von Redberry cereals
Introduced: 1970s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “Battle for the best bowl!”
Info: Two competing cereal characters, each with their own flavor.
216. Smaxey the Seal – Smaxey cereals
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “Seal the deal with a great breakfast!”
Info: A seal mascot promoting a presumably marine-themed cereal.
217. Smokey the Bear – Smokey the Bear Cereal
Introduced: Based on the fire prevention campaign.
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “Only you can prevent hunger!”
Info: A cereal themed after the iconic forest ranger character.
218. Snap, Crackle, and Pop – Rice Krispies
Introduced: 1930s
Company: Kellogg’s
Slogan: “Snap! Crackle! Pop! Rice Krispies!”
Info: Arguably the most famous trio in cereal history, representing the sounds the cereal makes.
219. So-Hi – Rice Krinkles
Introduced: Early 20th century
Company: Unknown
Slogan: “So high in flavor!”
Info: Another character promoting a rice-based cereal, potentially competing with Rice Krispies.
220. Sonny the Cuckoo Bird – Cocoa Puffs
Introduced: 1960s
Company: General Mills
Slogan: “I’m cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!”
Info: Sonny is famously portrayed as being wildly enthusiastic about Cocoa Puffs, to the point of being “cuckoo.”
221. The Crispy Dragons – Crispy Critters
Introduced: 1960s.
Company: Post.
Slogan: “The one and only cereal that comes in the shape of animals.”
Info: A fun dragon mascot for a cereal shaped like various critters.
222. The Crispy Wheats ‘n Raisins Chef – Crispy Wheats ‘n Raisins
Introduced: Likely 1980s.
Company: Kellogg’s.
Slogan: “A chef’s masterpiece!”
Info: A chef mascot showcasing the delightful combination of wheats and raisins.
223. The Cröonchy Stars Viking – Cröonchy Stars
Introduced: 1988.
Company: Post.
Slogan: “Good food for the Norrrrth!”
Info: A cereal endorsed by the Muppets’ Swedish Chef.
224. The Freakies – Freakies Cereal
Introduced: 1970s.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “We are the Freakies, we are the Freakies, this is our Freakies tree!”
Info: A group of seven creatures living in the magical “Freakies Tree”.
225. The Friendly Ghost – Casper Cereal
Introduced: Related to the release dates of Casper movies/shows.
Company: Various depending on licensing.
Slogan: “A ghostly good breakfast!”
Info: Based on Casper the Friendly Ghost from cartoons and movies.
226. The Fruit Weevil – Post Fruity Pebbles
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Post.
Slogan: “The fruitiest way to start your day!”
Info: Likely a minor character related to Fruity Pebbles promotions.
227. The G.I. Joe Team – G.I. Joe Action Stars Cereal
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “A real American breakfast!”
Info: Cereal themed after the iconic G.I. Joe action figures and cartoons.
228. The Gremlins – Gremlins cereal
Introduced: 1984.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “A munchy, crunchy, delicious breakfast!”
Info: Tied to the popular Gremlins movie franchise.
229. The Honey Monster – Sugar Puffs (UK)
Introduced: 1970s.
Company: Quaker Oats.
Slogan: “Tell them about the honey, mummy!”
Info: An iconic figure in UK cereal advertising, representing the honey flavor of the puffs.
230. The Honey Nut Cheerios Bee – Different from BuzzBee, from earlier campaigns
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: General Mills.
Slogan: “It’s a honey of an O!”
Info: The iconic bee mascot, before being named BuzzBee in later campaigns.
231. The Jets’ Family – The Jetsons cereal
Introduced: Coinciding with The Jetsons’ popularity.
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “A futuristic breakfast treat!”
Info: A cereal themed after the famous Jetsons family from the classic animated series.
232. The Little Sprout – Green Giant Puffs
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Likely related to the Green Giant brand.
Slogan: “Giant goodness in every bite!”
Info: An offshoot character related to the Green Giant vegetable brand.
233. The Magic Hat – Wizard of Oats
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Unknown.
Slogan: “A magical oat-filled breakfast!”
Info: A hat mascot emphasizing the magical quality of the oat cereal.
234. The Nerds – Nerds cereal
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “A crunchy, tangy breakfast treat!”
Info: Based on the popular Nerds candy.
235. The Nerds Duo – Nerds cereal
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “Two flavors in one box!”
Info: Two distinct nerd characters representing the dual flavors of the cereal.
236. The Nerds Mascots – Nerds Cereal (in addition to the mentioned Nerds duo)
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “Taste just like the candy!”
Info: Additional characters emphasizing the candy-based theme of the cereal.
237. The Orange Moose – Munch’ems
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Keebler.
Slogan: “Munch away with Moose!”
Info: A vibrant moose character promoting the snack-like quality of the cereal.
238. The Poppin’ Fresh Doughboy – Doughboy Cereal
Introduced: Likely in line with the Doughboy’s overall promotions.
Company: Pillsbury.
Slogan: “Freshly popped flavor!”
Info: Based on the iconic Pillsbury Doughboy mascot.
239. The Raisin Bran Sun – Raisin Bran
Introduced: Many decades ago.
Company: Several, including Kellogg’s and Post.
Slogan: “Two scoops of raisins in every box!”
Info: A cheerful sun, often shown with two scoops, indicating the generous amount of raisins.
240. The Sea Captain – Sea Adventures Cereal
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Unknown.
Slogan: “Dive into a bowlful adventure!”
Info: A maritime captain inviting kids to an underwater breakfast adventure.
241. The Singing Bakers – Baker’s Complete
Introduced: Lesser-known.
Company: Possibly related to a pet food brand.
Slogan: “Baked with love!”
Info: A group of baking characters emphasizing the quality of the product.
242. The Smurf – Smurf-Berry Crunch & Smurf Magic Berries
Introduced: Early 1980s.
Company: Post.
Slogan: “Smurftastic flavor in every bite!”
Info: Based on the beloved blue creatures from the Smurfs series.
243. The Space Alien – Marshmallow Krispies promotions
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: Kellogg’s.
Slogan: “Out-of-this-world taste!”
Info: A character promoting the marshmallow inclusion in the cereal.
244. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – TMNT Cereal
Introduced: Late 1980s to early 1990s.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “Heroic taste in a half shell!”
Info: Based on the popular comic book and cartoon characters.
245. The Trix Rabbit’s Adversaries – Various Trix promotions
Introduced: Over the years.
Company: General Mills.
Slogan: “Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!”
Info: Various characters who, along with children, usually deny the Rabbit the cereal.
246. Tiger Power Tiger – Tiger Power Cereal
Introduced: 2000s.
Company: Kellogg’s.
Slogan: “Unleash the power of the tiger!”
Info: An offshoot of Tony the Tiger emphasizing a nutritionally dense cereal.
247. Timon and Pumbaa – Timon & Pumbaa’s Jungle Cereal
Introduced: Mid 1990s.
Company: Kellogg’s.
Slogan: “Hakuna Matata in a bowl!”
Info: Based on the iconic characters from Disney’s “The Lion King.”
248. Tiny Kong – Donkey Kong Cereal promotions
Introduced: Coinciding with game releases.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “A Kong-sized crunch!”
Info: Tied to the Donkey Kong video game franchise.
249. Tom and Jerry – Tom & Jerry cereal
Introduced: Various times, in line with the duo’s popularity.
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “A chase of flavor in every bite!”
Info: Based on the iconic cartoon cat and mouse duo.
250. Tony the Tiger – Frosted Flakes
Introduced: 1950s.
Company: Kellogg’s.
Slogan: “They’re Grrreat!”
Info: One of the most iconic cereal mascots of all time, promoting the frosted corn flakes.
251. Toucan Sam – Froot Loops
Introduced: 1960s.
Company: Kellogg’s.
Slogan: “Follow your nose!”
Info: The vibrant toucan with a nose for fruity flavors.
252. Toucan Sam’s Nephews – Froot Loops promotions
Introduced: Over the years.
Company: Kellogg’s.
Slogan: “Fruity adventures await!”
Info: Trio of young toucans who often accompany Sam on adventures.
253. Trix Rabbit – Trix
Introduced: 1950s.
Company: General Mills.
Slogan: “Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!”
Info: The ever-persistent rabbit trying, often in vain, to enjoy a bowl of Trix.
254. Tusk the Elephant – Fruit Island
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: General Mills.
Slogan: “An island of fruity taste!”
Info: The main mascot for the tropical-flavored cereal.
255. Tusk the Elephant’s Friends – Fruit Islands Cereal
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: General Mills.
Slogan: “Join the tropical breakfast adventure!”
Info: Various characters that accompany Tusk on his Fruit Island escapades.
256. Waffelos Bill – Waffelos Cereal
Introduced: 1970s.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “A rootin’ tootin’ waffle taste!”
Info: The cowboy character promoting the waffle-flavored cereal.
257. Waffle O’s Bill & Waffle O’s Gang – Waffle-O’s
Introduced: 1970s.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “Gather ’round for a waffle roundup!”
Info: The gang that joins Waffelos Bill in promoting the cereal.
258. Waffle the Cow – Waffelos cereal
Introduced: 1970s.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “Moo’ve over for waffle flavor!”
Info: A side character in the Waffelos promotion universe.
259. Waldo the Wizard – Lucky Charms (short-lived before Lucky)
Introduced: Early 1960s.
Company: General Mills.
Slogan: “Magically delicious!”
Info: The original mascot before Lucky the Leprechaun took over.
260. Wally Bear – Wally Bear Cereal
Introduced: Likely 1980s.
Company: Ralston.
Slogan: “Bear-sized bites of fun!”
Info: Based on the character promoting a cereal tie-in.
261. Wally Whale – Wally Whale’s Cereal
Introduced: Date unknown, potentially the 1980s or earlier.
Company: Likely a smaller cereal company.
Slogan: “Dive into the deliciousness!”
Info: A whale character promoting his own cereal.
262. Weetabix Bunch – Weetabix cereal
Introduced: Various iterations over the years.
Company: Weetabix Limited.
Slogan: “Fuel for Big Days!”
Info: The mascots for the UK-based Weetabix cereal, often showing the benefits of the cereal as fuel.
263. Wendell – Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: General Mills.
Slogan: “The taste you can see!”
Info: Originally part of a trio of bakers; Wendell became the most prominent.
264. Wendell the Baker – Cinnamon Toast Crunch (before the trio became more prominent)
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: General Mills.
Slogan: “Crave those crazy squares!”
Info: One of the original baker mascots before the more abstract “Cinnamojis” took over.
265. Wendy Witch – Fruit Wheats
Introduced: Likely 1980s.
Company: Nabisco.
Slogan: “Magically nutritious!”
Info: A witch mascot promoting a fruit-filled cereal.
266. Willie the Wolf – Wheat Honeys & Rice Honeys
Introduced: Likely 1950s or 1960s.
Company: Nabisco.
Slogan: “Howl for the honey taste!”
Info: A wolf mascot promoting honey-infused cereals.
267. Yogi Bear – Yogi Bear’s Cereal
Introduced: Likely aligned with the character’s popularity peaks.
Company: Based on licensing agreements.
Slogan: “Smarter than the average cereal!”
Info: Based on the iconic cartoon character from Hanna-Barbera.
268. Yummy Mummy – Fruity Yummy Mummy cereal
Introduced: 1980s.
Company: General Mills.
Slogan: “A monster of a taste!”
Info: Part of the Monster Cereals lineup, alongside Count Chocula and others.
As we reach the end of our journey through the dynamic world of 268 cereal mascots, it’s evident that these characters have done more than just promote a brand—they’ve become iconic symbols of our childhood, making breakfast times memorable and fun. Each mascot, with its unique story and charm, has left an indelible mark on our hearts. As you pour your next bowl of cereal, remember the magic and joy these mascots have brought to countless mornings around the world.
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