A Distinctive Rayed Impact Crater in Meridiani Planum

A Distinctive Rayed Impact Crater in Meridiani Planum

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The Enigma of Meridiani Planum’s Dark-Rayed Crater: A Martian Mystery Waiting to be Solved!

Feast your eyes on a “fresh,” well-preserved impact crater with a starburst of dark rays that’s sparking cosmic curiosity!  The pressing question: Why are these rays so dark?  Is the crater a new arrival on Mars, so fresh that bright Martian dust hasn’t had time to settle on its dark patterns?  Unlikely, considering the windblown deposits inside the crater—which, by the way, take thousands of years to form!

So, what’s going on?  Could the impact have hurled up a hidden, darker layer from beneath the Martian surface?  A possibility, though the bedrock around the area glows brighter than a Martian sunset.  Thanks to Opportunity’s past discoveries of “blueberries”—hematite concretions resistant to wind erosion—we know the surface layer is darker.  The HiRISE camera reveals these rays are potentially less than a meter thick, yet their mystery persists.

Distinctive Rayed Impact Crater in Meridiani Planum - HiRISE Image-ESP_020784_1810 Distinctive Rayed Impact Crater in Meridiani Planum – HiRISE Image-ESP_020784_1810

Here’s another cosmic curveball—distant segments of the rays feature smaller secondary craters, possibly created by flying debris from the main impact.  Could these be remnants, lag deposits of brighter material that blew away, leaving only the darker, grittier particles?

But wait, there’s more!  The coarser particles may currently defy Martian winds, but with Mars’ ever-changing orbital tilt, the landscape could shift dramatically over millennia. There’s been some sand movement inside the crater, but not enough to wipe away the iconic dark rays.

Get ready, Mars enthusiasts!  Solving this enigma could reveal crucial clues about the Red Planet’s evolving climate and geological narrative!

Check out our 3D Mars Learning Center for more information on Mars.   You can also learn more at: NASA Mars Exploration.

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