
Large Product Replicas

Mincon is a long-time innovator in the development and manufacture of hard-rock drilling tools. Not only are they known as the driller’s choice, but also as the manufacturers of the largest DTH (down-the-hole for us laymen) drill bits in the world. As Mincon is considered the next generation of drilling tools, it only made sense that they approached Whiteclouds (creators of next-generation 3d models) to help them out with a tradeshow display that worked for them.

Whiteclouds created eight drill hammer models for Mincon to show off at the ConExpo-Con/Agg 2020 convention in Las Vegas, NV. The highlight of the show was the introduction of their new 60″ diameter drill-through ring-bit casing system.

Mincon 60" diameter drill-through ring-bit casing system

With over 12 tons of equipment to display, carting their actual products through the exhibition halls would be arduous. Mincon needed a tradeshow display that was easy to move from show to show. Enter Whiteclouds’ custom industrial model expertise. With the use of an experienced design team, our Creality 3D FDM print farm, and an expert production crew, Mincon’s 12 tons of equipment turned into a few hundred pounds of amazing replicas.

To learn more about Whiteclouds’ Industrial Models and Large Product Replicas, please visit our Industrial Models page as well as our Large Product Replica page.

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