Choc Creator for 3D Printing

Choc Creator 3D Printing

Chocolate lovers rejoice! The Choc Creator is a 3D printer that allows users to create fantastic chocolate creations with precision, freeing you up to create unique designs and customize chocolates without using a mold.

How ChoCreator Works

Firstly, users create a design using 3D software and save the model in an STL file. You will then melt the chocolate and fill the melted chocolate into the syringe. Once you have uploaded the file and generated G-code, press print. The printer is connected by a USB cord and reads the file directly. Then the chocolate goes through a heated nozzle, layer by layer, to create pieces of chocolate.

History of the ChocCreator

Choc Creator was created by Dr. Liang Hao at the University of Exeter. Dr. Hao later founded the company Choc Edge. The machine went on a pre-ordering auction on eBay in April 2012 and is now available commercially.

ChocCreator Software and File Format

The ChocCreator accepts STL files and G-code. You will need to have a 3D modeling program to create the designs. There are several open source (free of charge) software options and instructions in order to create the designs, which are uploaded to the printer using a standard USB connection.

ChocCreator Food Safety

The current model of the ChocCreator isn’t food-grade certified; although it’s ideal for creating designs, the user must follow the correct process detailed in the instruction manual to consume the chocolate. ChocCreator will be creating a food-grade model shortly.

Benefits of 3D Chocolate Printing over Traditional Mold Methods

A 3D printer may cut costs in creating custom, ornate chocolates in the long run. Instead of using traditional molds, you can create countless designs and print them off. The printer can also print out 2D patterns onto other foods such as cakes or biscuits.

To learn more about the latest in 3D Printing, check out our 3D printing.

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